Friday, March 9, 2012

My Funny Girl

It's hard to remember where I left off.  The good news is that we still think we are coming home on Monday.  We are waiting to see if Meaghan's PICC line is working.  She started having trouble with it last night.  I was hoping that we would get some real sleep last night and I did everything I could to make that happen.  Unfortunately after midnight the nurse woke me to tell me Meaghan's PICC wouldn't infuse.  Then again at 12:30am when the PICC nurse came to check it.  The two of them had a back and forth over how it was and wasn't working until after 1am.  Finally the decision was made to do an xray.  At 4am I had to leave the room for the xray.  At 6am I was up for good as the nurses were preparing to change shifts.  There is a flurry of activity at that time with Meaghan's feeds ending and vitals check.

In general today was a good day.  Meaghan's belly was less upset and she was eager to do things.  EXCEPT when it was time to change the dressing on her PICC line.  It is like taking off a really big band aid.  Five of us held her down and entertained her the best we could.  The dressing was changed and the line looks good, hopefully it works better tonight.  Kerry, from physical therapy saved Meaghan's "fun" time for after the dressing change today.  Meaghan jumped on all the black tiles in the hall to avoid being eaten by the alligators, crocodiles and orcas in the blue tile spaces.  It gave everyone a reason to smile.

This is bubble pep (therapy)
After her therapy they listen to her lungs

Before the PICC dressing change
After the PICC dressing change she played with  her new friend, Nikki

1 comment:

  1. Good morning from out west. I love those glasses Meaghan. I was also VERY impressed with those bubbles, you are amazing to be able to make so many. I don't think I could do that. :)
