Thursday, March 8, 2012

Hello.  Today went pretty well.  We talked to a lot of people and heard a lot of things.  Meaghan does seem to be doing well with the treatments.  The biggest problem for the day was getting all the prescriptions filled.  The amounts and doses were changed when Meaghan was admitted so it's a little like starting over.  I think that is handled.  There are two things that still concern the doctors: one of the medicines that Meaghan is taking can cause problems with her vision.  The extent and permanent nature aren't clear.  She will have to be followed by an eye specialist.  And we haven't managed to settle her GI system yet.  Everyone feels it is a side effect of the numerous antibiotics she is on but they are testing to be sure.  She is in a good mood and only complains of being hot.  Her nurses give her lots of ice packs to rest on and Meaghan really likes that. 

She didn't win at BINGO today, sigh.  But she got the prize she wanted just for playing, I told you they do it right around here.  The other highlight in her day was going outside.  There is an outdoor play area on the 3rd floor for kids to use in warm weather.  She had the whole place to herself.  It was a little windy up there but the sun on our faces felt great.

The other bit of news you might like from today is when Meaghan will be home.  The doctors are saying that Monday should be fine.  We're giving her a chance to rest and settle down a few more days.  She'll be on IV antibiotics at home again for at least 2 weeks and continuing the oral meds up to a year.  We have to be very careful for a while longer, no school yet.  Leave it to my daughter to pick up a bug that no one has the instant treatment/cure for and the only copy of the book on how to treat it is being written by her right now.

Meaghan was allowed to play eye doctor
Then it was her turn to be examined

That is how you play with a slinky
She made her shots with one good hand

1 comment:

  1. Hi from Colorado! I was glad to hear all of your good news and that some things are working out. I'm glad that you won your prize at Bingo and you sure looked good shooting hoops yesterday afternoon. Your brothers will have to watch out because now you've been practicing with only on arm and they'll have to use two. Keep working on getting well. It will be wonderful to go home soon. Love, Tia.
