Monday, March 26, 2012

Hi again.  I just wanted to share how Meaghan made me smile today.  We spent the morning cleaning the "crabitat".  Yes, for those of you who knew, Meaghan and her brothers hermit crabs are still living with us.  The last part of the process was to fix more salt water for them.  Today Meaghan insisted we use the pink sea salt she got in her Christmas stocking.  As we ground the salt Meaghan picked up the pieces she wanted and ate them.  Gross to you and I, I know, but that is all part of her CF.  CFers lose more salt than non-CFers so they are always trying to replace it.  That isn't the best part.  When we were all cleaned up I asked what the kids wanted for lunch.  Meaghan asked me for a "salt sandwich".  I laughed and asked her, "How do I make a salt sandwich?"  It sounded easy, she said, "Put one piece of bread down and spread Nutella on it so the salt sticks."  She had obviously thought this through so I indulged her.  Much to my surprise, she ate it, she even said she liked it.  I learned a long time ago that Meaghan knows what she wants so most of the time I go along with it.  Today it made my day!

1 comment:

  1. Just a bit more proof that our bodies will crave what they need. Oh, and I teach kindergarten, it is very difficult to gross me out ;). Much love, Janet
