Saturday, March 10, 2012

Good  morning.  Things this morning are holding steady.  Her PICC line looks a little wet so the nurses are going to check it again.  The good news is that the only "problem" with it is positional.  So if we sit or lay just right it works fine.  Her belly is still not working right but they increased her probiotic to see if that helps.  She is losing a little weight and that is not a direction we want to be moving in but we have to wait and see.  That is the most common theme these days.  One other thing, her skin.  She is having some problems with the skin on her palms and the bottoms of her feet.  I have told three nurses and no doctor has come to see it yet.  If I have a complaint, it's that.  The nurses for the past few days are absent alot and don't seem to be responding to my concerns.  The minute I see a doc I am going to complain.

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