Tuesday, January 8, 2013

We are still taking advantage of the beautiful January days we've been having.  I recently shared with a friend that Meaghan seems more well and healthy to me than she's been for a while.  Maybe it's the sunshine and fresh air or maybe it's the new medicine.  Whatever it is, I LOVE it.  I also shared that I get very nervous to vocalize these feelings.  The way I've been trying to live my life was also her advice, "One day at a time, Michelle".  It is also very important for us to celebrate the small victories, be happy for now and thank God for our many blessings.

Who knows what the next days, weeks or months have in store for Meaghan or the rest of us.  I care but honestly those aren't the thoughts that I am allowing to shape my life anymore.  The sun has been shining, the temperatures are crazy warm for January and we're all smiles.  The kids all want to have lots of snow to play in and it would be nice, maybe February will bring it.


  1. Yay! Lucky you guys with the gorgeous weather! We still have a lot of snow on the ground. I believe it will be gone this weekend since it is supposed to be in the 60's Saturday! (Back to 30's by Monday though.)

    I'm glad that Meaghan seems to be doing so much better! I'm going to say it is her awesome mom that is doing it! Getting her out in the great outdoors surely has been beneficial and definitely the medicine probably has a bit to do with it as well!

    Keep up the fantastic job, Super Mom!!!! Enjoy life and the beautiful days you are having (bonus with the great weather)! Love and miss you lots!! I'm planning on calling you Thurs afternoon so, be warned!!!! (Barring no sick kids/husband/etc on my side.)

  2. I'm so glad to hear you've been enjoying great weather. We have snow coming again here. I'll see what I can do about sending it your way for the kids ;). I'm also glad to hear the new medicine is doing well, too.

    You're doing an amazing job so keep focusing on the present. Only God knows what the future has in store.

    Talk to you soon.
    Lots of love, Janet
