Thursday, January 24, 2013

Alright, I did it again.  Not that a lot has gone on this week but I left the blog untouched for more than a week.  I hate it when I do that.  Every day I think of something that I think you all might enjoy or feel added something to your understanding of what living with cystic fibrosis in our house is like.  I don't always have time to put it all into writing and I have put so much pressure on myself to include pictures of my angel.  Like this one.  She dressed herself this way and went to her Tap and Ballet class.  She loves her class and just saw pictures of her recital costume.  She is so excited to be on stage and is practicing her "moves" all over the house.  I am so happy to see her getting into something.

Now, today we had a follow up visit with the ENT.  Overall it was good.  The hole in her eardrum is 2-3 times the size of one that drs would put in for tubes but it looks clean.  There is no infection and the fact that she is hearing (some) proves that the hearing bones are fine.  He feels strongly that she will heal on her own and regain all of her hearing.  It will take time and it could be a  couple of months.  She has to keep her ear dry still but doesn't need the drops any more.  He laughed (I didn't think it was too funny) that she is taking so many antibiotics already that they probably helped keep infection out.  Don't get me wrong, I like the dr a lot.  I took Jonathan to the visit with us.  I guess I could have asked for help but I was hoping he might learn from the visit.  Wow was I right.  Dr. Williams had a talk with Jonathan about not poking at people.  He told him how dangerous using our hands when we are angry can be.  I think Jonathan was listening because he was able to talk to me later about alternatives to hurting his sister.  I just got the title of a book (There's a Volcano in my Tummy) that sounds right up Jonathan's alley, I can't wait to read it and share it with him.

Thank you all for coming back to read about us.  Sharing our story and hearing from everyone helps get me through some of the toughest times.  Not every day is a struggle, living with CF has blessed our family in immeasurable ways.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Michelle,
    Just so you know, we understand that you are raising a family and there is a lot happening in that lively house of yours. For as much as we love updates, we do understand that making the memories is more important than blogging about them.
    I'm glad to hear that Meaghan's ear is healing on its own and that she is regaining hearing. I am sure that is comforting. I'm glad that Jonathan went, too. I can't wait to hear what you think of that book. I have a student that may benefit from it, if you think it's good.
    By the way, I love the picture you posted.
    Be good to yourself!
    Lots of love, Janet
