Monday, January 14, 2013

Ok.  So I still can't get a picture on here from the iPad. Ugh!  I will fix this tomorrow.
I know you haven't heard this one from me yet.  Meaghan made a trip to the emergency room today.  We didn't actually go inside because of the widespread flu.  Our pediatrician found an ENT who heard our story over the phone and felt sure that we'd be alright til the morning.  Anyway, she and Jonathan we're up to no good with each other again and Meaghan lost the battle.  I was in the kitchen talking to a neighbor and heard the fight begin.  I never imagined it would go so wrong or I would have gotten into their business a lot sooner.  Long story short, Jonathan used a miniature light saber to pierce Meaghan's eardrum. Well, we don't know for sure yet if it is the eardrum or the canal.  The ear, nose and throat doctor will see Meaghan in his office in the morning.  For tonight we are watching for increased bleeding and lots of the same symptoms of a head injury. We put drops in and taped a cotton ball over it. The good news is that she isn't complaining of much pain. For now she is sleeping soundly.

It goes without saying that I am furious with Jonathan.  I thought that we were beyond this kind of behavior.  I believe he has some remorse for the situation. It all happened so fast for him. First, Meaghan did something to make him angry, he chased her, then, Meaghan was crying.  Thankfully, my heroine, Mrs. Nancy, took he and Jimmy to her house so I could get Meaghan to the ER.  Anyone who has spent any time around Jonathan knows that I have my hands full.  He is "energetic" or "spirited" or "all boy". I just call him a monster.  We have talks, time outs and lots of other punishments but I have not been able to stop him from expressing himself with such anger and violence.  He's not a bad kid, in fact, his teachers have very nice things to say about Jonathan.  He is helpful and polite and follows the rules in school and at church.  This is by far, the very worst he's behaved, ever.  I really wish I knew what he was thinking and how I could help him.

Jonathan and I talked tonight and then the whole family sat down together and talked about the way we should all be treating each other.  Today was the day for me that changed everything.  I was tired and frustrated before but now I'm done.  The mean, hurtful way that these kids have been with each other stops NOW.  Not one of them can tease another for any reason or use their size, age or difference to their advantage.  I thought that they were working things out like siblings do, mostly they might have been, but Jonathan took it too far today.

We'll see what tomorrow brings.  Meaghan's appointment is for 11am in Towson.  She and Jonathan are still friends, no one is harboring any kind of a grudge.  I should be thankful for that.  After talking with everyone I think they understand the severity of what went on and why it must stop.  I just pray that no permanent damage has been done to Meaghan's ear and everyone has learned an important lesson.

I just remembered, I felt great about how well Meaghan has been doing.  Cystic Fibrosis is not my biggest concern right now, who'd have guessed it?

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! I'm certain Jonathan didn't mean to really hurt her, just a temporary sort of hurt! Unfortunately, he doesn't understand what can happen. He also has a lot of size to use and has always used to his advantage in squabbles with his siblings! As is Jonathan-like, I'm certain he will never do that again because it was explained to him. You can hear him now - "You can't poke at someone's ear with something because then they might not hear." (All given to you has a simple rule and with the complete look of concern on his face while pointing at you!)

    Praying for Meaghan and the doctor's wisdom this morning. Keep your head up, Michelle! God will take care of you guys. You have to lean into Him though!

    You have typical preschoolers and this type of thing happens! On the other hand, I think you using this as a great example of why we should act lovingly to our brothers and sisters is a fantastic idea! Someone once told me that they tell their children, "You will have many different friends in life. The friends will come and go. These are your only brothers and sisters. They will always be around. You should treat them better than you would your friends." Now, that is a great statement that we have shared with our kids. But, it is also just a great statement for family in general. Friends come and go (don't worry, I've claimed you as a sister, not just a friend!!!) but your family will always be your family. You MUST treat them as well as or better than your friends. Unfortunately I wish I was closer to visit more and help more. Since I can't, I will do as I would for any friend but try to go above and do as I would for my sister from afar! Please be sure to tell me what you need from me! I can support you in many ways and hopefully we'll get to visit with you soon. Seeing you and how the kids are growing and changing would be awesome! Maybe this summer! We'll see what we can do!

    Love you! Take care!
