Tuesday, January 1, 2013

I'm going to let these pictures do most of the talking.  I don't have a lot of new news to share.  But I wanted everyone to see what we've been up to.  Today we spent some time playing outside.  We did lots of laughing, it was a great day for all of us.  I hope that all of you had as much fun and the Hope, Joy, Love and Peace of the holiday season continue through the new year.



  1. Fun! Hey, if you guys want to play in some snow, you should head this way! We have lots! I'll try to send you pics of Levi's snowman that he made all by himself and the cute sign he made!

    Tell Meaghan and Jonathan that their big wheels are awesome!

    Love you guys!

  2. I hope you had a great birthday yesterday! I hope you were pampered and spoiled like you do for everyone else! You are definitely deserving of a special day, at least (but really more often) once a year! I'm sure you received lots of loving hugs and kisses from your kiddos! I tried calling but couldn't catch you available, hopefully we can connect Monday! Have a fantastic weekend with your family. I pray your birthday is stretched through the weekend!

    Love you and miss you!
