Monday, April 30, 2012

Ok, you're going to laugh.  Meaghan, Jonathan and I just finished doing the grocery shopping.  This is a big deal because I have not done all of my own shopping since Meaghan's first hospitalization.  Thank you to everyone who picked things up for me along the way.  It went VERY well.  It wasn't easy, I had to come back inside twice for things I forgot.  Not to mention, I spent way too much money since both little kids were irresistible when they asked for stuff.  I couldn't forget about Jimmy too.  Next time I'll do better, being where we've been ... what can I say.  I am just so happy, not a big deal for most but this was a big step for me.  I don't know about what's next but today gave me a little confidence.  We are going to start facing the big bad world a little at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Michelle!! I have some of those same challenges and I'm at the store by myself. So glad to hear all of the good news. Love, Janet
