Thursday, April 5, 2012


Today was a good day.  Jimmy has been home for Spring Break all week and today was his last preseason scrimmage.  It was an early game in Savage so the little kids and I were responsible for getting Jimmy there on time.  I am really glad we were there.  Jimmy's team won.  He made a really great catch in right field.  Jimmy pitched the last inning to keep his team ahead 5-0.  There was a nice playground so we stayed for the whole game.  Meaghan did play some but was far too tired for a lot.  I took lots of pictures, it was fun while it lasted.  I have talked to Meaghan's doctors and asked why she is still so sluggish and tires out so easily.  On one hand they aren't surprised, she's still battling a major infection.  But they are interested in doing a detailed blood test to check her little body's response to the treatments.  I am just sick thinking about how much things have changed.  I want my little girl back, I need my little girl back.

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