Sorry to keep you waiting. Meaghan's bronchoscopy went very well yesterday. She was Dr. Mogayzel's first OR Patient in the new children's center building. Wednesday was the first full day of operation for the new building. There were a few hiccups along the way but for the Jaecksch's it was a good experience. Dr. M said that he was very pleased with all the progress that has been made in Meaghan's recovery. He was able to clear a good amount of mucus that was still in her lungs, along with it went some of the infection too. We have to wait for the lab results to see how successful the antibiotics have been at killing the bacteria. That could take a week or more. This time waiting isn't bothering me so much. The doctor also said that Meaghan doesn't have to be seen right away in clinic. We don't have to go back until June 4th! In three months we will do a CT scan to see once more about how clear Meaghan's airways are. After that we'll see about another bronc, it may be 6 months before doing it! This was the best news we could have expected. All that good news comes with the stipulation we keep doing what we've been doing. All the medicine stays the same, probably for at least 6 more months. We just have to keep trying to get better and be careful doing it.

The new Children's Center at Johns Hopkins is a very big space. Not as colorful as we hoped it would be, but it was as spacious and comfortable as promised. Instead of having to ride on the hospital gurney or in a wheel chair Meaghan got to ride to the OR in a wagon. This was fun, especially since the nurse we had announced Meaghan and her duck coming down the hall with quacks. For all the anxiety that could have been, getting to the procedure this way made the BEST of a bad situation.

Everything was done in about 45 minutes and we could sit with Meaghan in recovery while she woke up. As per usual, she took her time waking up. Once she was awake she quickly got back to the business of being Meaghan. She ate a popsicle, drank some juice, took her medicine and ate a few saltines. She never complained about a thing. No nausea or pain from anywhere. So we got her dressed and gave her her new shoes. I think she almost forgot she asked for them. She was very excited to put them on. We asked her not to twirl yet, just coming off of anesthesia and all. The picture does not show the big smile she had on her face because she felt it was taking too long to get out of there. We had to wait for one more doctor to sign off on her chart and for Jay and I it was taking a long time too. Since we've been home she wears her shoes and twirls all over the house. I guess it was worth it :)
Yesterday was one of the easiest days we've had since February. Meaghan is feeling almost like herself and so am I. It's time to start reintroducing a "normal" schedule to our lives. It's time to start seeing our friends again, a little at a time of course. Meaghan is getting better but I am still going to hover and overprotect a while longer, you understand.
Everyone expects you to hover and "over-protect". In realty you are being an excellent advocate for your daughter and your family. :). Don't worry so much about what others think. Those you love you and your family understand what you you are doing. Priorities. Love, Janet.