OK. Here I go feeling all optimistic again. Since I posted last Meaghan was seen by her regular pediatrician. We love our pediatrician, she's one of my best friends. It was the pediatrician who wanted to just put eyes on Meaghan for her own peace of mind. I am so glad she did. Meaghan's weight is still holding steady, amazing news given all the gut issues she's been experiencing. Her lungs sound good to Dr. Najla's ears too. I am very skeptical whenever any one says that. Meaghan sounded "good" on the day that her "BIG" pneumonia was discovered. Once we get the CT on the 23rd I'll know if "good" means "improved". We are still working on some behavioral stuff that has come up, we think as a side effect of the medicines. There is still the matter of building up her stamina and strength too. But in general everything is going the way we want it to.

Meaghan had a very busy weekend, in a good way. Jimmy played in a baseball tournament in Olney Saturday and Sunday. Saturday was an 11 hr marathon. It was fantastic, that's not sarcasm. The park was a great place to spend the day. While Jimmy played, Meaghan and Jonathan did too. There were 3 other sisters close to Meaghan's age and they were great company for each other. Sunday was much shorter. Still a good day to be in the park. This morning Meaghan finished putting together her first set of big girl Lego's before I had my first cup of coffee. I didn't even know she liked Lego's that much or that she could manage a set of big girl Lego's so well. I sat in amazement (secretly longing for my coffee) while she worked it all out. The best part was when she was all finished rather that taking them to play with she said, "Can I do it again?".

With all my heart I hope that this week continues the way the weekend ended. Next Monday seems so far away and sooooo scary. One day at a time, right? Thank you for trying to keep up with Meaghan. Keep praying, I think it's working.
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