Today she covered the main floor of the hospital |
Hi. Not much more news to report on tonight. Today was a lot like yesterday. We saw doctors, talked about all the things we're still waiting to find out about and did everything asked of us. This morning Meaghan had another bath and learned that we were going to be staying until Monday. We are adding one more dose of fiber to her new overnight formula to try to slow down and regulate her. Until we are in a better place with that we are staying put, she's having a lot of issues. I want to go home and stay home so I am sticking it out in the hospital until we make Meaghan more comfortable. Yesterday was better than today in that area. Come to think of it, in a few others too. We still do not know what bacteria is growing in her cultures and may not for some time. Also, we learned that the machine we've been using to run Meaghan's vest isn't safe. So after carting it to the hospital to use, we can't and have to wait for a new one to come. What else? We heard back from the research team that they don't want to pull Meaghan's study labs while she's "sick" so that means we'll have to go through a blood draw sometime soon instead of using the PICC line now. Meaghan's super sensitive skin is reacting to something under her PICC dressing. I don't know what to expect from that, I heard, "We'll have to wait and see". Oh, one more, Meaghan still will not let us remove the monitors they stuck to her skin in the OR 5 days ago. She is sure it will hurt and wants nothing to do with it. Even when I tell her that her skin will feel better once those terrible stickers are gone, she flat out refuses. Soon we'll have to hold her down and get it done. Just one thing should go right for me, I'm being as patient as I can be.
On the bright side, Daddy came to visit us again. I really love how much time he has spent coming and going to be with us. Thank goodness that Meemaw and Pop Pop are there to help with the boys. I miss them so much. Jonathan was very unhappy tonight, maybe because I'm still gone, maybe he misses his sister, maybe he's tired or sick. I wished I could hold him tonight and have all this hospital time behind us.
Ok, last things. In case you are wondering, the new Childrens Center is nice. What I heard before coming was all true. The room is big, bright, clean and has plenty of storage space. The staff have all been helpful, supportive and friendly. Our view is nice, not the best on the floor but we get the added excitement of watching the helicopters land and take off. BUT- The bed is terribly uncomfortable, the light switches are poorly located and don't make any sense, the food is less than reliable and being with the babies and toddlers is noisey 99.9% of the time. Meaghan is in an isolation room, no one allowed in unless you have "official business" with her. And, unless it is with physical therapy she can't go out. So, I haven't seen much of the new center outside the patient room we have, everyone I talk to says it's great. I'm sure it is, but I don't plan to be back inside for a long time to come.
This weekend will probably feel like an eternity. The week flew by, but staying till Monday feels like a long time. By then I hope to be sure that going home means staying home, comfortably.