Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Hi!  12 days left before the Columbia Great Strides Walk event.  I love numbers and so I have to share and count down to walk day like this. 12 is a dozen, lots of things come by the dozen.  Like a dozen roses.  Roses are the beloved symbol of cystic fibrosis.  We love roses too, they grow along our patio.  Meaghan loves to eat eggs and they come by the dozen.  One more thing comes to mind right away, donuts.  Meaghan LOVES donuts.

So, check back to see what each number means to us as walk day approaches.  Please consider joining us for the walk or making a donation by clicking the link on the right side of the page.

1 comment:

  1. So cute! We love the braids Meaghan! The big day is coming up! We'll continue praying for you too!
