Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Good Morning, Sunshine!

Morning Meds (some of them)
Right away I have to offer my apologies.  I should have updated this much earlier.  So many things, all good, have happened since my last post.  The pictures are most of the steps it takes to get Meaghan ready for school each day.  I am super proud of the way that she has handled everything.  Today is just her 3rd full day of school, because of Spring Break falling right after her introduction.  I wake her at 6am to start everything that has to be done to maintain the level of health we've achieved so far.  That gives us plenty of time for what has to be done and a cushion for the tantrum or meltdown that may or may not happen.  On day one it was the very large chewable vitamin that Meaghan has to take each morning.  It's a new flavor, orange, and one might think that that's not so bad.  But Meaghan has been chewing up the berry flavor as long as she can remember so the orange causes her to gag, repeatedly.  The first day after Spring Break there was no tantrum so we spent some extra time reading about the birds in our backyard.  Today she wanted to finish building a Lego set and so we spent a little time on that.  I texted Jason this morning and told him not to quote me, so I'm getting myself into trouble here but, "I am so happy right now I can hardly stand it".  We've come so far in the past 6 months.  I'm more in control, Meaghan's more in control and we're starting to live, truly live now.  It's work, sometimes really hard work to be us and we have a long way to go still.  What's amazing is that the harder we work at this life the easier it is getting.  
I don't like orange

First Day outfit (but you can't
make me smile)

Checking things off


Morning Vest

The ride to Jimmy's school
With that I am going to end this post because I want to get on to the rest of the past two weeks.  Again, I am sorry to have left you waiting to find out how school has been going.  It has been so much better than we expected.  Meaghan accelerated the plan (A LOT) but as a whole we decided that Meaghan should be the one to lead us.  What a remarkable little girl!  
Sweet dreams, angel

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! That is fantastic that she is doing so well! I'll bet she is exhausted after school! They typically are when they start kindergarten!

    I have to say, I know Meaghan has grown a lot since we left. But, that picture of her in the van, in a backless booster, makes her look so much bigger! Wow!

    I'm glad things are going well and for you doing so well with all of this! You get your Jonathan time now too! I'll talk to you soon!

