Monday, February 4, 2013

Today was Meaghan's fifth broncoscopy in a one year time period.  This time it was outpatient.  Our experience was so positive today.  We had no trouble getting to the hospital in plenty of time, probably thanks to the lighter traffic post the Ravens big win last night.  We had enough time that Jay and I had a cup of coffee before checking in at Pre-op.  I hadn't even sat down in the waiting room before our name was called and Meaghan was checked in.  Dr. M was ahead of schedule this morning so Meaghan's procedure started 1/2 an hour early.  She was out of surgery and we were at her bedside by 10:30am.  The nurses said everything went very well.  Dr. M sat with us and said he was, in general, happy with what he saw.  Meaghan has some fluid in the upper and middle lobe of her left lung.  That is different from what we saw in November.  Some samples were collected so we'll have to wait and see if any "bug" grows.  First results could be in by 24 hours post bronc.  Pseudomonas is one of our big concerns and that could be 48 hours before we hear.  The really big concern is MAI and that slow growing little bugger could take 2-3 weeks to show up.  We have had 2 clean MAI cultures already so we have reason to be positive for this one too.  The nurses will call us if there is pseudomonas or some other bug by later this week.  Once we hear about pseudomonas I have to schedule a follow up clinic visit for 1 month from now. So, for now, we wait and keep up with current schedule of medications and therapies. 

I hope that came out sounding optimistic.  I'm trying to stay positive, things went very well.  Better than I expected.  It was a long day and my head is spinning, but I am smiling.  We were home before 1pm with Meaghan's favorite in hand.  I never would have guessed that she would eat all of her 4pc nuggets and leave french fries on her plate.  Anyway, she's eating, drinking and playing just like today's procedure never happened.  We're still going to have a"sick" day tomorrow.  Jonathan has school so Meaghan and I will get to hang out for a little while, just us girls.  Today, we had a great afternoon.  It was Jonathan's birthday so Meaghan helped me "make" and decorate his cake.  He asked me for a mountain with a dragon and knight in a sword fight.  He got his wish and he was very happy with the result. 

I'm so happy that today was a great day for everyone.  Thank you all from the bottoms of our hearts.  Your support has given me strength to fight along side Meaghan against cystic fibrosis and begin to recapture pieces of who I use to be as well.  Every day we get better, one breath at a time.

God Bless.         


  1. I'm sure it was wonderful to have the broncoscopy as an outpatient procedure this time. It's so nice to hear she's acting as if the procedure never happened.

    I'll keep praying that there are no pseudomonas or other bugs! I hope you enjoyed your "girls" day.

    I love the mountain cake, what a cool idea.

    Again, I'm so glad that things are going well. Keep us informed.

    Much love, Janet

  2. I'm so glad to hear how positive it sounds! Keep up the great fight! You guys are doing a great job (I know, Meaghan's little body is fighting but you all help her keep going strong)!

    Jonathan's cake is awesome! Very cool. I don't know how you have an imagination like that but I love it! Wish I had some too!

    I hope Jonathan had a great birthday! Please tell him Happy Birthday from us. His card will be in the mail soon. Taking on a job has sidelined my planning/thinking. Well, not that it was great to start with!

    Tell Meaghan to keep it up! Michelle, you are doing a fantastic job with all the therapies, meds, etc. I look up to you so much because I have seen first hand how hard it is. It is hard being a mom of two kids. You have another child and deal with CF as well. I can't imagine! You have got to be so worn out but you don't hardly ever show it. Please don't forget to get your breaks and relax, do something for you! You are so important to everyone and the only way you can really take care of them is to ensure you are health and happy as well. I miss being able to give you the occasional break so you can even just run to the store by yourself. Sometimes people don't realize how "relaxing" that can be, to shop without "Littles" asking/touching/crying/etc and to not worry about them while you are out too! I hope and pray you have some moments for that!

    Love and miss you!
