Friday, February 8, 2013

That face says, "I know it all."
I am so excited!  Overall this was a very good week.  But there were some very BIG highlights and I want to share them all with you.  From the beginning, Meaghan and I had a great "girls" day on Tuesday.  We made smoothies and tried a new vegetable together, bok choy, we both loved it.  Then we watched Tinker Bell in The Secret of the Wings.  It was really awesome to spend that kind of time with her, I will treasure it always.  Wednesday was ballet day.  She is practicing for her spring recital.  I am trying not to hover and she seems to appreciate it.  She gets to show me all her "moves" and be the teacher.  Thursday morning we had a follow up appointment with the ENT.  First they tested her hearing.  I had no idea how it was going, it drove me crazy.  I was so proud of her though, she sat up so proper and followed directions to the letter.  Since I didn't know what to expect I kept my prep to a minimum.  She had to sit in a sound proof booth, alone, but she went right in and like I said, was an angel.

Ok, ok, enough of that, it's good news but not what we've been waiting for.  I got a call Thursday afternoon from the nurse at Hopkins.  I knew I'd hear from her but I thought the news would be bad.  Well it was quite the opposite!  Meaghan's culture for pseudomonas was NEGATIVE!!!!!  She thought I didn't hear her because I was speechless.  I asked her if I needed to wait a few more days to be sure.  Then she laughed and said, "No, it's negative!"  This is incredible news.

But I forgot something.  On Wednesday night Jason, Chris and I went to REI in Columbia for an introductory meeting for an Xtreme Hike event sponsored by the CFF.  I was blown away, I knew immediately I was going to do it.  A small group of dedicated fundraisers will hike a 20 mile stretch of the Tuscarora Trail in the George Washington National Forest.  I hear that it is a beautiful hike around Signal Knob.  The 20 miles will be completed in about an 8 hour period on Oct 19th.  There are experienced hikers on the committee who have created a training guide and are organizing weekly training hikes beginning in April.  I have no words for what this means to me.  I have not felt this passionately about anything like this, ever.  The hike is coming up in my life at just the right time.  I feel this in my bones, so much so that I didn't just register to hike, I am going to lead a team.  Nothing about this scares me.  I need to raise $2,500. and prepare my body for the Xtreme but it pales in comparison to what people living with cystic fibrosis do EVERY DAY of their lives.  I am doing all of it for the love I have for my daughter and every other beautiful, amazing person who suffers with CF too. 

I am just starting the process but I need your help.  Tell me I can do it and offer to contribute to the cause.   

God Bless  


  1. Wow, talk about EXCITING news. What a great way for me to wake up on a Saturday morning. I am so glad to hear that the girls had such a great day and of course the negative test results. I can only imagine what was going on in your mind and heart at that time.

    The Xtreme Hike event sounds amazing. I can't wait to hear how the training is going. This just sounds great. Do you need to raise the money as individuals or as a team?

    OF COURSE YOU CAN DO IT, you deal with tougher things every day.

    I am so excited for you.

    Much love, Janet

    By the way, Meaghan really favors you in that picture.
