We spent the morning doing our chores and then took a walk along the river in the Daniels area of the Patapsco State Park. It was a little cold but the sun was shining and well what more excuse do you need to spend time together outdoors. We didn't get far, too much to see ;) Jason and I learned one thing from this outing, Jonathan is not a good partner for training. Anyway, I enjoyed it and until we got 100 feet from the truck, the kids did too. Jimmy jumped over the stream and then decided it was a good idea to touch the water. In retrospect, Jimmy would agree, it was WAY TOO cold to touch the water. Meaghan wanted to "glide" down to the other side like Jimmy did but we wouldn't let her so for the next 30 minutes she cried and made us suffer for it. Oh well, Jay and I are together on what a bad idea it would have been to let Meaghan jump the stream.

On Thursday this week, Jason and I are attending a meeting where Dr. Beall will speak on the progress of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Dr. Beall is president of the CFF and I have always been inspired and filled with hope after hearing him speak. I am looking forward to hearing what promises he has for patients with Meaghan's genotype. Kalydeco has been wildly successful for patients so far and testing it with newer therapies could be the answer for Meaghan.
We still haven't heard from the CF clinic about test results. That could be good or bad, but honestly it's probably that it hasn't been long enough. I am anxious but feel in my gut that we're okay. The MAI infection was not detected in the two previous bronchoscopies so why should it be there this time? If there was anything else growing in her cultures I think I would have heard about it by now.
Our prayers are being answered, we are a blessed family. Thank you to all who have kept Meaghan in their prayers, she is a better little girl because of it. What things we have to look forward to are unknown to us but whatever happens, we will be okay.
Today Meaghan said she was going to be an astronaut when she grows up. |