This artwork by Meaghan is a little old but I thought that since I haven't updated the blog for so long I might soften you up with it.
A lot has happened since September. The Xtreme Hike has come and gone. It was another amazing experience for me. I made new friends, met my hike day goal and exceeded my personal fundraising goal. The hiker minimum is $2,500 but I set a goal of $3,000 and drum roll date I have raised $5,916!!! Thank you to everyone who believed in me and supported me. Without the generous donations from you I could never have achieved this. Next year I've got to break the $6,000 mark ;-)
Isn't it amazing, we're all smiles in the morning and still smiling late that evening, after a 25 mile hike. That's just how the whole day was for us. The weather was warm and sunny, perfect for hiking. The most memorable part of my day is a story that you probably can't believe. A big yellow dog stole the sandwich right out of my hand just one mile into the 13-14 mile second half of the day. I wasn't as upset about losing the sandwich, I had enough water and snacks to finish, it was the handful of dog slobber I had in my sandwiches place. I finished strong and felt great, much better than I thought I might. I didn't even get a blister.

This is incredible. One year before this picture was taken Meaghan was just released from the hospital. She was working hard to get strong enough just to go to school. In one year, she started school on the first day like her brothers and her peers then crushed 35 laps in the "fun run" at school. I watched her run around and around with hundreds of other kids with tears filling my eyes and spilling down my cheeks. What a remarkable change. The school principal stopped to share a few of those proud moments with me, she was overcome with the emotion of it too. Meaghan is proof every single day of what believing can do for you. Nothing is impossible, no one, nothing stands against her and succeeds.

Halloween. I have no idea where the idea to be an angel came from, it was a surprise to me. There have been times that Meaghan said or did something that left me speechless but the moment she said, "I want to be an angel!" takes the prize for putting the biggest lump in my throat. I hugged her and said that she already is but her mind was made up. She made the prettiest little angel.
That same night Meaghan FINALLY lost her third tooth. This tooth had been wiggling for more than a month but just wouldn't give up and fall out. She was at the dentist two weeks earlier and even then the hygienist couldn't easily get it to fall out. I'm not sure if I ever wrote about the other two teeth so you have to understand that Meaghan didn't let on she had loose teeth, she just yanked them out and brought them to me. So this tooth was on our last nerve, it was time to go. One sticky Lemonhead on Halloween did her in. It was ugly, the crying and bleeding seemed to last forever. One of my neighbors came with her boys to the door and I drug her into the bathroom to help. She got Meaghan to stop crying but Meaghan would NOT let her pull the tooth. Finally, I asked Meaghan to let me clean her face up and with just the corner of a paper towel I gave the tooth one final push and it dropped onto the counter. Now Meaghan tells everyone that I yanked her tooth out as if I gave her no choice in the matter.

The CF Foundation is working tirelessly to find the medication or combination of that Meaghan and the others like her need to change CF. The future of CF treatment is to call it a condition that can be managed with a simpler daily regimen.
I leave you with this for now. As you think about what you are thankful for this Thanksgiving, be sure to give thanks for the healthy kids in your life and pray for the rest of them. Then consider making a donation to the CF Foundation to whom we are thankful every day for giving us the blessing of more tomorrows.